Mapping stories
31 MAPS OF 2018
These maps were inspired by the drawing challenge “Inktober”, where people do one drawing a day. Each day has a “theme” to help inspire sketches. As a Geographer and lover of maps, I decided to take on this challenge to draw a map of a relevant current event or concern. All of my drawings are my own and posted on my twitter @sahokoyui. Click here for more information about Inktober.
In this project I asked the following question:
What are the key issue that can be visualized through a map and what can I learn from the process?
Key findings:
2018 was a devastating year for natural disasters, the intensity and frequency of natural disasters if expected to increase. Vulnerable areas will be the most impacted from the effects of climate change.
Drawing maps at different scales (local - regional - global) reveals that we, and the systems we live in, are all interconnected.
Detailed learnings from each individual map is included in captions of the maps.